2011: EU bans BPA in baby bottles

2011 EU bans BPA in baby bottles 


National Toxicology Program hosts meeting on diabetes and obesity

Thayer, K. A., Heindel, J. J., Bucher, J. R., & Gallo, M. A. (2012). Role of environmental chemicals in diabetes and obesity: a National Toxicology Program workshop reviewEnvironmental health perspectives120(6), 779–789.


Dr. Michele Marcus finds increased risk of miscarriage in women exposed to PBB in utero:

Small CM, Murray D, Terrell M, Marcus M. Reproductive outcomes among women exposed to a brominated flame retardant in utero.  Arch Environ Occup Health 2011; 66(4):201-8


This paper contributed to changing flammability standards so that flame retardants were no longer needed in furniture and baby products:

Stapleton, H. M., Klosterhaus, S., Keller, A., Ferguson, P. L., Van Bergen, S., Cooper, E., … & Blum, A. (2011). Identification of flame retardants in polyurethane foam collected from baby products. Environmental Science & Technology, 45(12), 5323-5331.