2010 BPA linked to gestational diabetes in mice: Dr. Angel Nadal shows that BPA treatment during pregnancy increases insulin resistance in pregnant mother mice. This exposure alters glucose regulation in mothers months after delivery, and shows that pregnancy is a period of susceptibility to EDC exposure.
Alonso-Magdalena, P., Vieira, E., Soriano, S., Menes, L., Burks, D., Quesada, I., & Nadal, A. (2010). Bisphenol A exposure during pregnancy disrupts glucose homeostasis in mothers and adult male offspring. Environmental health perspectives, 118(9), 1243–1250.
And Dr. Tyrone Hayes looks further at atrazine:
Hayes TB, Khoury V, Narayan A, Nazir M, Park A, Brown T, Adame L, Chan E, Buchholz D, Stueve T, Gallipeau S. Atrazine induces complete feminization and chemical castration in male African clawed frogs (Xenopus laevis). Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2010 Mar 9;107(10):4612-7.