A summary of articles on endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) added to PubMed this week.
Contents: Events, Regulations/ Policy, Methods/Tools/Screening, Commentaries, Reviews/Meta-Analyses, Human Health Studies, Laboratory Studies, Exposure/Environment Studies
- Need for commercial reference standards for chemicals, e.g. PFAS
- Editorial: chemical safety assessment.
- An invitation to collaborate in the consortium on thyroid and pregnancy.
- Alternatives for PFAS.
- ASPIS Definition of New Approach Methodologies.
- Why Are Flame Retardants in Lithium-Ion Battery Enclosures?
Jan. 30 webinar (today!): Product data for public health: Clearya case studies [CHE]
Jan. 30 and Feb. 13 webinars: EDC exposure and gonadal function: consequences and interventions [Endocrine Society EDC Special Interest Group]
Feb. 5 webinar: Science Café: The Massachusetts PFAS and Your Health Study [Silent Spring Institute]
Feb. 10-13: Childhood cancer prevention symposium, in person in Houston TX [CEHN and others]
Feb. 19 webinar: Ultrashort-chain PFAS: The global threat of trifluoracetic acid [EDC Strategies Partnership]
Mar. 14-15: Lou Guillette Jr. Symposium, in person at the University of Florida in Gainesville [HEEDS]
Apr. 15-16: Iowa PFAS Conference, in person in Iowa City [Iowa College of Engineering]
Apr. 27-29 conference: Break the Cycle of Children’s Environmental Health Disparities
July 30 – Aug. 1 conference: U.S. DOHaD Society Annual Meeting
The Critical Role of Commercial Analytical Reference Standards in the Control of Chemical Risks: The Case of PFAS and Ways Forward and related Invited Perspective: Reference Standards Are Key to Environmental and Human Health Research-The Case of PFAS.
The European regulatory system for plant protection products-cause of a “Silent Spring” or highly advanced and protective? [by industry]
Editorial: Emerging topics on chemical safety assessment. [intro to a research topic in Frontiers in Toxicology]
Numerous Chemicals/Mixtures
A review on oxidative stress in organophosphate-induced neurotoxicity
Molecular Mechanisms of Phthalate-Induced Hepatic Injury and Amelioration by Plant-Based Principles.
Persistent Organic Pollutants: PCBs, Dioxin, OCPs
Flame Retardants
Updated Mini-Review on Polychlorinated Diphenyl Ethers (PCDEs) in Food: Levels and Dietary Intake.
Human Health Studies
Numerous Chemicals/Mixtures
Disrupting effects of neonicotinoids and their interaction with metals on thyroid hormone, an evidence of children in a rural area, South China
Persistent Organic Pollutants: PCBs, Dioxin, OCPs
Air Pollution
Incense Use and the Risk of Chronic Limb-Threatening Ischemia Among Middle-Aged and Older Adults in the Singapore Chinese Health Study. and related Invited Perspective: Incense Burning and Cardiovascular Risk-A Rising Concern.
Pharmaceuticals/Personal Care Products
Laboratory Studies
Numerous Chemicals/Mixtures
In vitro bisphenol A impairs testicular energy metabolism and spermatogenesis through nuclear estrogen receptors activation in zebrafish
Maternal exposure to bisphenol A induces congenital heart disease through mitochondrial dysfunction.
Persistent Organic Pollutants: PCBs, Dioxin, OCPs
Flame Retardants
Ingestion of polyethylene microplastics impacts cichlid behaviour despite having low retention time.
Air Pollution
Pharmaceuticals/Personal Care Products
Exposure/Environment Studies
Numerous Chemicals/Mixtures
Persistent Organic Pollutants: PCBs, Dioxin, OCPs, PBDEs
Fatty Acid Profiles Linked to Organohalogen Exposure in Cetaceans from the Northern South China Sea.
Emerging Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances in Tap Water from the American Healthy Homes Survey II.
Pharmaceuticals/Personal Care Products
Higher potential leaching of inorganic and organic additives from biodegradable compared to conventional agricultural plastic mulch film.
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This list is not meant to be exhaustive, and generally does not include studies on detection, remediation, or treatment of EDCs. Industry-funded articles are included without notation. Note that journal publication dates may be different from dates added to PubMed. To see the searchable archives, please email me and ask to join the EDC Science Weekly group EDC_research@ googlegroups.com. There are searchable archives. Compiled by Sarah Howard of Healthy Environment and Endocrine Disruptor Strategies (HEEDS), a program of Environmental Health Sciences.