HEEDS is hosting the 5th annual EDC- North Carolina meeting. Attendance is FREE and open to everyone.
TENTATIVE DATE: Note this may changes as many people are not allowed to travel. We will update as we know more. We may postpone this meeting.
April 25, 2025
9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
NCSU, McKimmon Center, 1101 Gorman St, Raleigh NC
Registration is required!
(more details to follow)
Morning Session
Dedicated to Trainees (anyone can attend)
– Basic endocrinology, EDC and DOHaD 101
– Media training, dealing with disinformation
– NIH Grantsmanship
Lunch and Poster Session
– There will be awards for the best posters by graduate students and postdocs. You may use posters from other meetings.
Afternoon Science Presentations
– If interested in presenting on any topic related to EDCs, please contact Jerry Heindel, jheindel@ehsciences.org.
– If interested in presenting on any topic related to EDCs, please contact Jerry Heindel, jheindel@ehsciences.org.