HEEDS North Carolina 4th annual meeting poster award winners. From left, Ryne Thomas, Shaza Gaballah, Diana Pacyga, and Jennifer Thies.

5th Annual Meeting: April 25, 2025 at NCSU.
Information/registration here!

EDC-North Carolina (EDC-NC) is a local community of scientists, medical and public health professionals, who support research on the role of endocrine disruptors on human and ecological health.

It has over 100 members from EPA, NIEHS, UNC, NCSU, Duke, Campbell University, ECU, and more. 

It is open to anyone in North Carolina and surrounding states interested in endocrine disruptor research and its effects on human and/or ecological health. There is no formal organizational structure and no fees. EDC-NC functions via a google group, an oversight committee, webinars, and in-person annual meetings.

EDC-NC Mission Statement

To create a local community of scientists, medical and public health professionals, who support endocrine disruption research and to provide a platform for outreach to the larger NC community to raise awareness and prevent harm from EDCs.

EDC-NC Goals

  • Foster collaboration and stimulate coordination among and between scientists, medical and public health professionals, and community leaders.
  • Promote advancement of the EDC field, including mentoring new scientists.
  • Engage in communication/outreach to a wide variety of audiences (academic medical, public, etc.).

To join EDC-NC, please email HEEDS, state that you would like to join EDC-NC, and send your name, email, affiliation, and 2-4 sentences about your research to include in our directory. We are particularly interested in having trainees, undergraduates, graduate students and postdocs sign up as we have several programs just to help trainees in the EDC field.

Annual Meetings

EDC-NC holds annual meetings with poster sessions and discussions. It also distributes information on webinars and meetings of interest.

Past Meetings

Fourth annual meeting, held March 22, 2024. See the announcement

Summary of EDC-NC’s 3rd Annual Scientific Meeting, held Sept. 30, 2022. See the Agenda.

Summary of EDC-NC’s 2nd Annual Scientific Meeting, held April 5th, 2019