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This year's Food Packaging Forum Workshop took place entirely online. Live presentations and discussions were split across three days of 2-hour sessions on October 21-23, 2020.The workshop focused on the…
The Green Science Policy Institute hosted the Six Classes Virtual Retreat online in May 2020. Videos from the talks are available here.
The first plastic health summit was held in Amsterdam October 3, 2019. Aftermovie: watch talks from session 2 here, including talks by Laura Vandenberg and Pete Myers:
Northeastern University in Boston MA hosted the 2nd National Conference on Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) on June 10-12, 2019. For reports, slides, presentations, and more see the conference website.
UNWRAPPING the facts about hazardous chemicals in food packaging Scientists, NGO advocates and communication experts meet in Scotts Valley to share facts and discuss advocacy on chemicals, plastics and food packaging by…
EDC-NC, our regional working group of scientists working on endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) in North Carolina, had a very successful Second Annual Scientific Meeting. The event was held at the…