2003: BPA found in animal cages

Dr. Pat Hunt found that BPA in animal cages affects laboratory animals:

Hunt PA, Koehler KE, Susiarjo M, Hodges CA, Ilagan A, Voigt RC, Thomas S, Thomas BF, Hassold TJ. Bisphenol a exposure causes meiotic aneuploidy in the female mouse. Curr Biol. 2003 Apr 1;13(7):546-53.


Dr. Shanna Swan found that human sperm quality varies regionally, with lower quality in Midwestern rural farming areas and higher quality in urban areas, suggesting environmental factors such as pesticides might affect sperm health. 

Swan SH, Brazil C, Drobnis EZ, Liu F, Kruse RL, Hatch M, Redmon JB, Wang C, Overstreet JW; Study For Future Families Research Group. Geographic differences in semen quality of fertile U.S. males. Environ Health Perspect. 2003 Apr;111(4):414-20.


Centers for Children’s Environmental Health and Disease Prevention Research funded by NIEHS and EPA.


Breast Cancer and the Environment Research Program established by NIEHS and the National Cancer Institute, funds grantees to study how environmental exposures may predispose to breast cancer.


The Endocrine Disruption Exchange (TEDX) founded by Dr. Theo Colborn. For 16 years, TEDX operated as a science-based, nonprofit research institute with a mission to reduce the production and use of chemicals that interfere with healthy hormone function. They achieved this by identifying and responding to pressing scientific questions, and collaborating with partners to protect and improve human and ecological health. The organization closed in 2019 but the website is still available and contains a wealth of information on endocrine disruption.