A summary of articles on endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) added to PubMed this week.
Contents: Events, Regulations/Policy, Methods/Tools/Screening, Commentaries/Conference Summaries, Reviews, Human Health Studies, Laboratory Studies, Exposure/Environment Studies
Is there an optimal sampling time and number of samples for assessing exposure to fast elimination endocrine disruptors with urinary biomarkers? [10 to 31 samples were necessary to correctly classify most subjects into quartiles according to their level of exposure]
Commentaries/Conference Summaries
Special Issue “Health Effects of Agrochemicals as Endocrine Disruptors” [in Mol Cell Endocrinol, see collection here]
Impacts of environmental issues on health and well-being: a global pollution challenge [re the International Caparica Conference on Pollution Metal Ions and Molecules (PTIM)]
Numerous EDCs
How microplastic components influence the immune system and impact on children health: Focus on cancer. [BPA and phthalates]
Perfluoroalkyl Substances
Flame Retardants
Potentially Toxic Elements
Air Pollution
Numerous Chemicals
Association between prenatal bisphenol A exposure and promoter hypermethylation of CAPS2, TNFRSF25, and HKR1 genes in cord blood A combined cohort analysis of prenatal exposure to phthalate mixtures and childhood asthma Environmental chemicals and metabolic disruption in primary and secondary human parathyroid tumors Serum Perfluoroalkyl Substances, Vaccine Responses, and Morbidity in a Cohort of Guinea-Bissau Children Organophosphate Pesticides Exposure during Fetal Development and IQ Scores in 3 and 4-Year Old Canadian Children Prenatal toxic metal mixture exposure and newborn telomere length: modification by maternal antioxidant intake
Persistent Organic Pollutants: PCBs, Dioxin, OCPs
Perfluoroalkyl Substances
Potentially Toxic Elements
Air Pollution
Laboratory Studies
Bisphenol A in utero exposure induces ovary dysfunction in mice offspring and the ameliorating effects of Cuscuta chinensis flavonoids
Identification of receptors for eight endocrine disrupting chemicals and their underlying mechanisms using zebrafish as a model organism. [BPA, triclosan, and more]
Parabens/Personal Care Products
Toxicological responses of Carassius auratus induced by benzophenone-3 exposure and the association with alteration of gut microbiota Effects of 2,3′,4,4′,5- pentachlorobiphenyl exposure during pregnancy on DNA methylation in the testis of offspring in the mouse
Persistent Organic Pollutants: PCBs, Dioxin, OCPs
Comparison of the biological behaviors of palatal mesenchymal and epithelial cells induced by 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p- dioxin in vitro Concentration- and nutrient-dependent cellular responses of microalgae Chlorella pyrenoidosa to perfluorooctanoic acid Impact of herbicide pretilachlor on reproductive physiology of walking catfish, Clarias batrachus (Linnaeus)
Perfluoroalkyl Substances
Flame Retardants
Effects of the chorion on the developmental toxicity of organophosphate esters in zebrafish embryos.
Effect of age on insecticide susceptibility and enzymatic activities of three detoxification enzymes and one invertase in honey bee workers (Apis mellifera) The protective effects of melatonin on survival, immune response, digestive enzymes activities and intestinal microbiota diversity in Chinese mitten crab (Eriocheir sinensis) exposed to glyphosate
Potentially Toxic Elements
Air Pollution
Particulate matter (PM10) enhances RNA virus infection through modulation of innate immune responses Prenatal diclofenac exposure delays pubertal development and induces behavioral changes in rats
Bioassay guided analysis coupled with non-target chemical screening in polyethylene plastic shopping bag fragments after exposure to simulated gastric juice of Fish. [phenols, phthalates, etc.]
Toxicological effects of microplastics and heavy metals on the Daphnia magna
Exposure/Environment Studies
Concentration of polychlorinated biphenyls in serum from New Jersey biomonitoring study: 2016-2018
Parabens/Personal Care Products
Persistent Organic Pollutants: PCBs, Dioxin, OCPs
Blood mercury and plasma polychlorinated biphenyls concentrations in pregnant Inuit women from Nunavik: Temporal trends, 1992-2017.
Bioaccumulation of persistent organic pollutants in the gonads of Barbus barbus (Linnaeus, 1758)
Yellow-legged gull eggs (Larus michahellis) as persistent organic pollutants and trace metal bioindicator for two nearby areas with different human impact Impact of the Sediment Organic vs. Mineral Content on Distribution of the Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) in Lake Sediment Analysis of polybrominated diphenyl ethers, hexabromocyclododecanes, and legacy and emerging phosphorus flame retardants in human hair
Perfluoroalkyl Substances
Flame Retardants
Young infants’ exposure to organophosphate esters: Breast milk as a potential source of exposure A three-year large scale study on the risk of honey bee colony exposure to blooming sunflowers grown from seeds treated with thiamethoxam and clothianidin neonicotinoids
Potentially Toxic Elements
Air Pollution
Mixtures/Numerous EDCs
This list is not meant to be exhaustive, and generally does not include studies on detection, remediation, or treatment of EDCs. Note that journal publication dates may be different than dates added to PubMed. To see the searchable archives, please email me at Sarah@healthandenvironment.org and ask to join the group EDC_research@googlegroups.com. Archives are at https://groups.google.com/d/ forum/edc_research. Compiled by Sarah Howard, Diabetes and Environment Program and HEEDS at Commonweal.